Advanced NLP with spaCy · A free online course, posted Sep '23 by peter in development free language learning nlp toread
spaCy is a modern Python library for industrial-strength Natural Language Processing. In this free and interactive online course, you'll learn how to use spaCy to build advanced natural language understanding systems, using both rule-based and machine learning approaches.
The Kanji Vector Graphics (KanjiVG) project, posted Feb '23 by peter in free graphics japan language learning
KanjiVG (Kanji Vector Graphics) provides vector graphics and other information about kanji used by the Japanese language. For each character, it provides an SVG file which gives the shape and direction of its strokes, as well as the stroke order. Each file is also enriched with information about the components of the character such as the radical, or the type of stroke employed.
It is very easy to create stroke order diagrams, animations, kanji dictionaries, and much more using KanjiVG. See Projects using KanjiVG for a growing list of applications of the KanjiVG data.
Music Blocks Visual Programming Language, posted 2023 by peter in development forkids free learning music opensource
Music Blocks is a great way to learn coding through music (as well as learn music through coding). Move colorful blocks around the screen to design dynamic musical creations. Test your code at the click of a button. Create everything from simple songs to puzzles and games.
Learning Containers From The Bottom Up, posted 2021 by peter in deployment development learning linux toread virtualization
This article is not an attempt to explain containers in one go. Instead, it's a front-page for my multi-year study of the domain. It outlines the said learning path and then walks you through it, pointing to more in-depth write-ups on this same blog.
Mastering containers is no simple task, so take your time, and don't skip the hands-on parts!
The Cryptopals Crypto Challenges, posted 2021 by peter in development learning security toread
This is a different way to learn about crypto than taking a class or reading a book. We give you problems to solve. They're derived from weaknesses in real-world systems and modern cryptographic constructions. We give you enough info to learn about the underlying crypto concepts yourself. When you're finished, you'll not only have learned a good deal about how cryptosystems are built, but you'll also understand how they're attacked.
Modern JavaScript Explained For Dinosaurs – Node.js Collection – Medium, posted 2019 by peter in development howto javascript learning reference
The goal of this article is to provide a historical context of how JavaScript tools have evolved to what they are today in 2017. We’ll start from the beginning and build an example website like the dinosaurs did — no tools, just plain HTML and JavaScript. Then we’ll introduce different tools incrementally to see the problems that they solve one at a time. With this historical context, you’ll be better able to learn and adapt to the ever-changing JavaScript landscape going forward. Let’s get started!
Doug McKenzie Jazz Piano – Video, midi and transcriptions, posted 2019 by peter in audio download free learning music video
This is the jazz piano site of Doug McKenzie. It contains many downloadable video files in WMV format and midi files of live played songs.
Satori Reader provides carefully curated, level-appropriate content with which to practice and grow. With thoughtfully annotated articles spanning a variety of interesting subject matter and a unique system that presents content in a manner appropriate to your knowledge, it bridges the gap between the controlled, textbook Japanese that most students start with and the wide-open world of real-life, native communication.
How Japanese Verbs Really Work: A Primer • /r/LearnJapanese, posted 2015 by peter in grammar japan language learning toread
A lot of textbooks and websites try to teach you functional Japanese and ignore the grittier parts of the grammar. Unfortunately, this means many learners miss out of the structure and beauty (and structure!) of Japanese that, while complex, might help put things into place. This primer is designed to get you more familiar with what is actually going on with Japanese conjugations. It won't cover everything and may even tell some "simple truths" (aka, white lies you'll unlearn later) but it will get you started on achieving a deeper understanding of Japanese verbs.
How To Count Anything In Japanese - Tofugu, posted 2015 by peter in japan language learning list reference
There just isn’t a resource out there that shows the counter with a list of things that can be counted in this way. I’m hoping to fix that with this guide.