Nand2Tetris, posted 2 Mar by peter in development education free hardware opensource software
This website contains all the lectures, project materials and tools necessary for building a general-purpose computer system and a modern software hierarchy from the ground up.
The materials are aimed at students, instructors, and self-learners. Everything is free and open-source, as long as you operate in a non-profit setting.
Safing Portmaster, posted 24 Feb by peter in free networking privacy security software toread
Portmaster is a free and open-source application firewall that does the heavy lifting for you. Restore privacy and take back control over all your computer's network activity.
Graphite: Web-based vector graphics editor and design tool, posted 28 Oct by peter in free graphics opensource software
Graphite is a free, open source vector and raster graphics engine, available now in alpha. Get creative with a nondestructive editing workflow that combines layer-based compositing with node-based generative design.
LibreChat AI, posted Jul '24 by peter in ai development free howto opensource software
LibreChat AI is an open-source platform that allows users to chat and interact with various AI models through a unified interface. You can use OpenAI, Gemini, Anthropic and other AI models using their API. You may also use Ollama as an endpoint and use LibreChat to interact with local LLMs. It can be installed locally or deployed on a server.
robots.txt Validator and Testing Tool, posted Jul '24 by peter in development free online testing
Test and validate your robots.txt with this testing tool. Check if a URL is blocked, which statement is blocking it and for which user agent. You can also check if the resources for the page (CSS, JavaScript, images) are disallowed.
Infinite Mac is a collection of classic Macintosh and NeXT system releases and software, all easily accessible from the comfort of a (modern) web browser.
Pick any version of System Software/Mac OS or NeXTStep/OPENSTEP from the 1980s or 1990s and run it (and major software of that era) within a virtual machine. You can also run a custom version with your choice of machine and virtual disks. Files can be imported and exported using drag and drop, and System 7 and onward have more advanced integrations as well – refer to the welcome screen in each machine for more details.
Generative AI for Krita, posted May '24 by peter in ai development free graphics opensource software
Generate images from within Krita with minimal fuss: Select an area, push a button, and new content that matches your image will be generated. Or expand your canvas and fill new areas with generated content that blends right in. Text prompts are optional. No tweaking required!
Monit, posted Feb '24 by peter in free monitoring opensource software
Monit is a small Open Source utility for managing and monitoring Unix systems. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations.
Browse Your Life in Pictures – PhotoPrism, posted Jan '24 by peter in free hosting opensource photography software
PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web. It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way. You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.
chezmoi, posted Jan '24 by peter in free linux shell software versioncontrol
Manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely.