
A database of paper airplanes with easy to follow folding instructions.

When I started using qjackctl I couldn't understand the difference between the patchbay and the connections window. They both seemed to show the same information and the patchbay was not very useful. Now, thanks to various hints on the linuxaudio mailing list, I think I understand how it should work and how useful it could really be. This document is my attempt to share that understanding with those in the same position as I was.

Lists should keep the From address, the Subject, and the Message totally unchanged. They should add a Sender header to indicate their relay role, and set at least the List-Id and List-Unsubscribe headers for mailbox rules and subscription management.

This configuration will allow mailing lists to function as proper SMTP citizens in the age of DMARC.

Är du nyfiken på programmering och digitalt skapande? Kodboken är sajten för dig som vill komma igång med kod.

Verkar ha en del övningar bland annat i att skapa musik och spel i Scratch. Värt att kolla på.

Sommartid ger möjligheter till en bättre mobilitet genom att hyra bil. Men det finns en hel del att tänka på vid hyra av bil för att inte ledigheten i efterhand ska solkas av tvister med biluthyraren om pengar.

Den bästa metoden för en jämn grillvärme, som togs upp i en artikel från Cook’s Illustrated, är att placera glöden i en ring där mitten av grillen är tom. Motsatt mot vad man kan tro, så skapar en jämnt fördelad glöd alltså inte en jämn värmespridning på grillgallret. Detta beror på att maten på grillgallret inte bara värms upp underifrån utan även av den reflekterande värmestrålningen från väggarna. Klotgrillens form skapar på så sätt en hot spot i mitten av grillen.

This series of posts is about the Commodore Amiga. Thousands of words have already been written on the Amiga, and I will not add anything but "milestone" to the adjectives used to describe it. This post and the following ones are not intended to be a complete and well-organised review of the architecture. Instead, they will be more a set of "lab notes" for myself that I write while I explore the platform. I put them on the blog in the hope that they will be useful for other programmers that try to crack the same problems.

In my first decade writing Makefiles, I developed the bad habit of liberally using GNU Make’s extensions. I didn’t know the line between GNU Make and the portable features guaranteed by POSIX. Usually it didn’t matter much, but it would become an annoyance when building on non-Linux systems, such as on the various BSDs. I’d have to specifically install GNU Make, then remember to invoke it (i.e. as gmake) instead of the system’s make.

I’ve since become familiar and comfortable with make’s official specification, and I’ve spend the last year writing strictly portable Makefiles. Not only has are my builds now portable across all unix-like systems, my Makefiles are cleaner and more robust. Many of the common make extensions — conditionals in particular — lead to fragile, complicated Makefiles and are best avoided anyway. It’s important to be able to trust your build system to do its job correctly.

This tutorial should be suitable for make beginners who have never written their own Makefiles before, as well as experienced developers who want to learn how to write portable Makefiles.

Hello! This is part one of a short series of posts on writing a simple raytracer in Rust. I’ve never written one of these before, so it should be a learning experience all around.

Centering in CSS is a pain in the ass. There seems to be a gazillion ways to do it, depending on a variety of factors. This consolidates them and gives you the code you need for each situation.

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