
This document describes API differences between the Macromedia Flash Communication Server / Flash Media Server 2 and Red5. It aims at helping migrate existing applications to Red5.

Although not quite as capable as their military counterparts -- your creations will likely be dealing with sleeping cats rather than armed terrorists -- these bots can deliver some impressive results.

I have checked every single of these configurations with Ethereal to ensure that the traffic is really anonymized. However, if you are paranoid, you shouldn't trust me, but rather test this stuff for yourself!

Ordinarily, running a CJK application in Wine results in lots of garbled text. On a good day, you will get empty boxes. On a bad day, it looks like the ASCII table exploded. No more. I put together a little shell script called WineLocale (after Microsoft'

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We felt that by building a computer in an aquarium using clear mineral oil, that we would be able to accomplish a much more attractive result, with less work. We were happy with the results!

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