
The Conventional Commits specification is a lightweight convention on top of commit messages. It provides an easy set of rules for creating an explicit commit history; which makes it easier to write automated tools on top of. This convention dovetails with SemVer, by describing the features, fixes, and breaking changes made in commit messages.

I want to detail some techniques you can leverage to make your Maven builds faster in this post. The following post will focus on how to do the same inside of Docker.

I love spreadsheets. Spreadsheet programs like Microsoft's Excel, Apple's Numbers and Google Sheets are the secret heroes of our civilization.

I've also been interested in personal finance and the FIRE community for a while—not so much in the early retirement aspect but in the financial literacy it teaches its members. I have combined my passion for both into one mega-spreadsheet that I use to track my income, expenses, savings and investments in one overview. While creating this spreadsheet I got proficient in some new formulas, which I'll share here—and also write down for my own reference.

So you're all done recording your next song. You've laid down final takes for all the tracks, mixed everything and decided on the final master. Congrats!

But before you call it a day and prepare to distribute to streaming platforms, there are a few things many musicians forget to do that can take their song to the next level.

We make very careful considerations about the interface and operation of the GNU coreutils, but unfortunately due to backwards compatibility reasons, some behaviours or defaults of these utilities can be confusing.

This information will continue to be updated and overlaps somewhat with the coreutils FAQ, with this list focusing on less frequent potential issues.

What ARE all these letters? Even music veterans are sometimes confused. But it's important to understand the difference between your ASCAP and your UPC, because they all play an essential role in earning revenue from your music copyrights.

Herbs are a fantastic addition to your Parrot's diet, not only for their abundance of health benefits, but also in the variety they provide as part of a balanced diet. They can be presented in a chop, threaded through the cage bars, or even strung together as a shredding toy.

Are you prepared to receive and process privacy access requests in compliance with the GDPR? The following guide will help you understand your role in promoting access to data and how to create a system that saves you time and prevents damage to your reputation.

In this article I will detail caching strategies that don't give up correctness to gain speed. These strategies all do away with TTLs and instead use active invalidation.

Audio on Unix is a little zoo, there are so many acronyms for projects and APIs that it's easy to get lost. Let's tackle that issue! Most articles are confusing because they either use audio technical jargon, or because they barely scratch the surface and leave people clueless. A little knowledge can be dangerous.

In this article I'll try to bridge the gap by not requiring any prerequisite knowledge while also giving a good overview of the whole Unix audio landscape. There's going to be enough details to remove mysticism (Oh so pernicious in web bubbles) and see how the pieces fit.

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