Coreutils Gotchas, posted Aug '24 by peter in development documentation howto reference shell toread
We make very careful considerations about the interface and operation of the GNU coreutils, but unfortunately due to backwards compatibility reasons, some behaviours or defaults of these utilities can be confusing.
What I wish I’d known about Yocto, posted Apr '24 by peter in development documentation linux reference
Using the Yocto Project is fairly easy, until something goes wrong. Without an understanding of how the build process works, you’ll find yourself trying to troubleshoot “a black box”. Here are a few items that new users wished they had known before embarking on their first build with Yocto Project. Feel free to contact us with other suggestions.
Git - git-worktree Documentation, posted 2022 by peter in development documentation howto reference versioncontrol
In its simplest form,
git worktree add <path>
automatically creates a new branch whose name is the final component of<path>
, which is convenient if you plan to work on a new topic. For instance,git worktree add ../hotfix
creates new branchhotfix
and checks it out at path../hotfix
. To instead work on an existing branch in a new worktree, usegit worktree add <path> <branch>
. On the other hand, if you just plan to make some experimental changes or do testing without disturbing existing development, it is often convenient to create a throwaway worktree not associated with any branch. For instance,git worktree add -d <path>
creates a new worktree with a detachedHEAD
at the same commit as the current branch.If a working tree is deleted without using
git worktree remove
, then its associated administrative files, which reside in the repository (see "DETAILS" below), will eventually be removed automatically (seegc.worktreePruneExpire
in git-config[1]), or you can rungit worktree prune
in the main or any linked worktree to clean up any stale administrative files.
Conventional Commits, posted 2021 by peter in development documentation git reference versioncontrol
The Conventional Commits specification is a lightweight convention on top of commit messages. It provides an easy set of rules for creating an explicit commit history; which makes it easier to write automated tools on top of. This convention dovetails with SemVer, by describing the features, fixes, and breaking changes made in commit messages.
Jenkins Features Controlled with System Properties, posted 2020 by peter in automation configuration continuousdelivery development documentation reference
Jenkins has several "hidden" features that can be enabled with system properties. This page documents many of them and explain how to configure them on your instance.
Booktype  |  Sourcefabric, posted 2016 by peter in documentation free literature opensource software writing
Booktype allows authors to create beautiful books for print and digital distribution. Publishers use Booktype to manage their entire catalogue in one place, providing authors, translators and proofreaders with all the tools they need.
S3QL User’s Guide — S3QL 2.15 documentation, posted 2015 by peter in cloudcomputing documentation linux opensource reference software storage
S3QL is a file system that stores all its data online using storage services like Google Storage, Amazon S3, or OpenStack. S3QL effectively provides a hard disk of dynamic, infinite capacity that can be accessed from any computer with internet access running Linux, FreeBSD or OS-X.
S3QL is a standard conforming, full featured UNIX file system that is conceptually indistinguishable from any local file system. Furthermore, S3QL has additional features like compression, encryption, data de-duplication, immutable trees and snapshotting which make it especially suitable for online backup and archival.
Modern Perl: The Book(Modern Perl 2014), posted 2014 by peter in development documentation download online perl reference
Modern Perl is one way to describe the way the world's most effective Perl programmers work. They use language idioms. They take advantage of the CPAN. They show good taste and craft to write powerful, maintainable, scalable, concise, and effective code. You can learn these skills too!
Puppet Labs Documentation, posted 2013 by peter in configuration development documentation free reference sysadmin
Welcome to the Puppet Labs documentation site. The documentation posted here is also available as a set of PDFs, which can be found here. You can also download the current version of this entire website as a zipped archive; unzip it and follow the instructions in the README.txt file to view the site offline.
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