
Jenkins has several "hidden" features that can be enabled with system properties. This page documents many of them and explain how to configure them on your instance.

Over the past month at Lyft we’ve been working on porting our infrastructure code away from Puppet. We had some difficulty coming to agreement on whether we wanted to use SaltStack (Salt) or Ansible. We were already using Salt for AWS orchestration, but we were divided on whether Salt or Ansible would be better for configuration management. We decided to settle it the thorough way by implementing the port in both Salt and Ansible, comparing them over multiple criteria.

Togglz is an implementation of the Feature Toggles pattern for Java. Feature Toggles are a very common agile development practices in the context of continuous deployment and delivery. The basic idea is to associate a toggle with each new feature you are working on. This allows you to enable or disable these features at application runtime, even for individual users.

Welcome to the Puppet Labs documentation site. The documentation posted here is also available as a set of PDFs, which can be found here. You can also download the current version of this entire website as a zipped archive; unzip it and follow the instructions in the README.txt file to view the site offline.

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