Bookmark, posted 2009 by peter in media news politics propaganda religion russia terrorism war
The internet agency Kavkaz Centre provides reporting of events in the Islamic world, the Caucasus, and Russia. One of Kavkaz Centre's chief objectives is to report events in the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria connected to the Russian military aggression against the CRI. Besides we also provide international news agencies with news-letters, background information and assistance in making independent journalistic work in Caucasus.
Skype singled out as threat to Russia's security | U.S. | Reuters, posted 2009 by peter in business communication politics propaganda russia security voice
Russia's most powerful business lobby moved to clamp down on Skype and its peers this week, telling lawmakers that the Internet phone services are a threat to Russian businesses and to national security.
"Without government restrictions, IP telephony causes certain concerns about security," the lobby's press release said. "Most of the service operators working in Russia, such as Skype and Icq, are foreign. It is therefore necessary to protect the native companies in this sector and so forth."
BBC NEWS | Technology | Could piracy blacklist backfire?, posted 2009 by peter in copyright eu finance msm politics propaganda russia usa
By wildly overstating its claims on many countries, the US has undermined its credibility and confirmed criticisms that the report lacks reliability or objective analysis.
Diplomatic battle begins over Arctic, posted 2008 by peter in environment politics russia toread usa
Canada, Denmark, Norway, Russia and the United States are squabbling over much of the Arctic seabed and Denmark has called them together for talks in its self-governing province to avert a free-for-all for the region's resources.
Arctic SuperPowers to Meet in Greenland -Will Global Warming Trigger a WW111?, posted 2008 by peter in environment politics russia usa war
Canada, Denmark, Norway, Russia and the United States are at odds over 1.2 million square kilometers (460,000 square miles) of Arctic seabed which could possibly hold 25% of the world's oil and gas.
Russia tests monkeys for Mars trip, posted 2008 by peter in environment msm russia science space
The macaques will be the first to experience the radiation that poses a big risk to astronauts - or Russian cosmonauts - on any flight to the Red Planet.
KinoRurik, posted 2008 by peter in cinema inswedish movie russia stockholm sweden
KinoRurik är en rysk filmfestival som vill bjuda publiken på ett stycke ryskt filmskapande.
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