TikTok created an alternate universe just for Russia, posted 2022 by peter in china fascism media propaganda russia social ukraine war
“In just one month, TikTok went from being considered a serious threat to Putin’s national support for the war to becoming another possible conduit for state propaganda,” said Giulia Giorgi, a researcher at Tracking Exposed, which has been studying the platform’s policies and actions in Russia since the invasion began in February. “Our findings show clearly how TikTok’s actions influenced that trajectory.”
Variable Variability: No, we do not have 12 years to stop catastrophic climate change #12years, posted 2019 by peter in environment media msm politics science
So what most likely happened is that we have scientists describing the progression of climate change. They give the uncertainty range and the press decides to only mention the lower boundary of this range. Then they somehow turn it into a deadline, put this in many headlines and never tell their readers where the number comes from. This made #12years a somewhat viral political meme. Chinese whispers of the worst kind. Journalists please listen to Peter Hadfield: check the source.
We Should Teach Media Literacy in Elementary School - Scientific American Blog Network, posted 2018 by peter in cognition education media opinion toread
We need to have a lot of difficult conversations in order to resolve the issues we are facing as a society, and the only way these conversations will be productive and enduring is if we all can agree on the facts. Right now, with Americans believing more than 40 percent of the news they see is fake, we aren’t quite there as a society, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be. The internet is an amazing tool, but to use it most effectively we have to embrace its benefits while also understanding the ways in which it makes us vulnerable. If students are still learning dated practices such as cursive writing in school, shouldn’t they be learning how to navigate and consume the internet responsibly as well?
Educating for Democracy in a Partisan Age: Confronting the Challenges of Motivated Reasoning and Misinformation | Civic Engageme, posted 2018 by peter in cognition education media science toread
Much misinformation and many falsehoods related to politics circulate online. This paper investigates how youth judge the accuracy of truth claims tied to controversial public issues. In an experiment embedded within a nationally representative survey of youth ages 15-27 (N=2,101), we examined factors that influenced youth judgements regarding the accuracy of the content. Consistent with research on motivated reasoning, youth assessments depended on a) the alignment of the claim with their prior policy position and, to a lesser extent, on b) whether the post included an inaccurate statement. However, and most importantly, among those participants who reported the most media literacy learning experiences, there was a large, statistically significant difference in ratings of accuracy between those exposed to a post that employed misinformation and those who saw an evidence-based post. Implications for educators and policymakers are discussed.
Stream | Your API for building activity streams, posted 2015 by peter in api development media news online social
Stream allows you to build scalable newsfeed and activity streams in hours instead of weeks. The documentation will get you up and running quickly. At the moment we have official clients for Ruby, JS/Node, Python, PHP and Java. Furthermore there are also example apps and Framework integrations available for Rails, Django and Laravel.
Not fit to print: When good design goes bad — AJ On the News — Medium, posted 2015 by peter in crapification media msm news propaganda war
In an expertly designed data visualization, the Times guided us through its own version of events, which boils down to: Hamas started it, and Israel responded in self-defense. Data from the last three flare-ups is included in the same way, gently suggesting to readers that this is a pattern.
What follows is a breakdown of some ways that design can be misused to tell a biased story.
Why so many of the health articles you read are junk - Vox, posted 2014 by peter in crapification food health media msm science
So who's to blame for all these bad stories and the sorry state of health journalism? One new study, published in the British Medical Journal, assigns a large fraction of blame to the press shops at various research universities. The study found that releases from these offices often overhype the findings of their scientists — while journalists play along uncritically, parroting whatever showed up in their inbox that day. Hype, they suggest, was manufactured in the ivory tower, not the newsroom.
The Daily Dot - The Hater: Why I really, really, really hate TED talks, posted 2013 by peter in humor inspiration media opinion
If you’re going to force me to learn something, hand me a book. Or an article. A blog, a Twitter feed. A cable subscription. PBS—really! Anything else! § Not some richly paid, self-satisfied douchebag sashaying in a headset, backed by meh-tacular slides, and ogled by the well-heeled. Seriously? That’s one fucking awful method of delivery.
Why Google Is Not A Search Engine But An Investigative News Agency, And Why That Matters - Falkvinge on Infopolicy, posted 2013 by peter in copyright crapification dinosaurism google media opinion politics
When the copyright industry is demanding that Google censors “search results” from their investigative reports, they are demanding that an investigative news agency alter their journalistic findings because those findings of fact happen to be starkly embarrassing to the copyright industry. Further, the copyright industry is also demanding that the news agency should lie to the public about what the world actually looks like.
MediaGoblin, posted 2012 by peter in free media opensource photography software video
MediaGoblin is a free software media publishing platform that anyone can run. You can think of it as a decentralized alternative to Flickr, YouTube, SoundCloud, etc. It's also:
* The perfect tool to show and share your media! * Building tools to empower the world through decentralization! * Built for extensibility. Multiple media types, including video support! * Part of the GNU project and devoted to user freedom. * Powered by a community of people like you.