A Government Error Just Revealed Snowden Was the Target in the Lavabit Case | WIRED, posted 2016 by peter in humor law privacy transparency usa
But federal authorities recently screwed up and revealed the secret themselves when they published a cache of case documents but failed to redact one identifying piece of information about the target: his email address, With that, the very authorities holding the threat of jail time over Levison’s head if he said anything have confirmed what everyone had long ago presumed: that the target account was Snowden’s.
Free Web Analytics Software, posted 2016 by peter in free opensource privacy software statistics webdesign
Piwik is the leading open-source analytics platform that gives you more than just powerful analytics: * Free open-source software * 100% data ownership * User privacy protection * User-centric insights * Customisable and extensible
Recently Bought a Windows Computer? Microsoft Probably Has Your Encryption Key, posted 2015 by peter in crapification microsoft privacy security toread transparency
As Green puts it, “Your computer is now only as secure as that database of keys held by Microsoft, which means it may be vulnerable to hackers, foreign governments, and people who can extort Microsoft employees.”
Congress Drops All Pretense: Quietly Turns CISA Into A Full On Surveillance Bill | Techdirt, posted 2015 by peter in opinion politics privacy transparency usa
Remember CISA? The "Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act"? It's getting much, much worse, with Congress and the administration looking to ram it through -- in the process, dropping any pretense that it's not a surveillance bill.
Mass Surveillance Isn’t the Answer to Fighting Terrorism -, posted 2015 by peter in fascism opinion privacy security terrorism usa war
It’s a wretched yet predictable ritual after each new terrorist attack: Certain politicians and government officials waste no time exploiting the tragedy for their own ends. The remarks on Monday by John Brennan, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, took that to a new and disgraceful low.
Speaking less than three days after coordinated terrorist attacks in Paris killed 129 and injured hundreds more, Mr. Brennan complained about “a lot of hand-wringing over the government’s role in the effort to try to uncover these terrorists.”
Firefox will scan your browsing history to suggest advertiser sites, posted 2015 by peter in advertising firefox privacy
In an attempt to sell advertising space in a user’s new tab page within the Firefox browser, Mozilla is launching a new platform called “Suggested Tiles” specifically for advertisers. Similar to Google using your Web search history to load related advertisements within Google Adsense placements, Mozilla will look through your visited sites within Firefox to suggest an advertiser site to visit and display it on the new tab page.
However, there are user protections built into the new feature as detailed on Mozilla’s Advancing Content blog. Users will be able to flip off the Suggested Tiles function by toggling a check box within the browser’s settings. Users can also completly avoid site suggestions by opting for a blank page when opening up a new tab within Firefox.
Secure Secure Shell, posted 2015 by peter in communication howto privacy security toread
You may have heard that the NSA can decrypt SSH at least some of the time. If you have not, then read the latest batch of Snowden documents now. All of it. This post will still be here when you finish. My goal with this post here is to make NSA analysts sad.
TL;DR: Scan this post for fixed width fonts, these will be the config file snippets and commands you have to use.
Rättsväsendet enligt SD: Buggning och uthängning, posted 2014 by peter in inswedish law politics privacy sweden
Mer kameraövervakning och telefonavlyssning. Tillåt brottsprovokation. Separata och ”spartanska” fängelser för utländska medborgare. Det är några saker som Sverigedemokraterna har motionerat om de senaste veckorna. Men enligt experter strider förslagen mot grundläggande rättsprinciper.
– De står för en extremt repressiv rättspolitik, säger Anne Ramberg, generalsekreterare vid Advokatsamfundet.
ISPs Removing Their Customers' Email Encryption, posted 2014 by peter in crapification email privacy security toread
This type of STARTTLS stripping attack has mostly gone unnoticed because it tends to be applied to residential networks, where it is uncommon to run an email server2. STARTTLS was also relatively uncommon until late 2013, when EFF started rating companies on whether they used it. Since then, many of the biggest email providers implemented STARTTLS to protect their customers. We continue to strongly encourage all providers to implement STARTTLS for both outbound and inbound email. Google's Safer email transparency report and are good resources for checking whether a particular provider does.
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