PseudoPod 887: Midnight in the Southland, posted Dec '23 by peter in audio fiction horror literature podcast
“The Southland’s a different place,” Gus said once, “with secret towns and secret highways, filled with secret people wearing secret smiles.”
While growing up, I always thought he was talking in metaphors.
Years later, long after college, I discovered I was wrong.
Great story, great narration, great audio production. Good job Pseudopod!
Free Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft for Nook and Kindle — The Arkham Archivist, posted 2017 by peter in download free horror literature
The Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft contains the original stories which Lovecraft wrote as an adult. It begins in 1917 with “The Tomb” and ends in 1935 with his last original work “The Haunter of the Dark.” The book is ordered chronologically by the date the story was written. Because Lovecraft was a terrible businessman and left no heirs to his intellectual property, all of his works are already in the public domain. I did not include collaborations or revisions because some of those works may still be under the co-author’s copyright. There also left out two completely non-Weird very early stories.
25 of the Best Horror Movies You've Probably Never Seen, posted 2013 by peter in horror list movie opinion toread
Halloween is rapidly approaching, which means it's time for scary movie marathons. And while watching "Friday the 13th" for the 137th time never fails to entertain, maybe it's time to check out a seriously terrifying movie that you probably have never even heard of. Add each of the following movies to your list. We guarantee they'll entertain, terrify, and disturb you.
Halloween tales: The scariest Japanese horror films of all-time |, posted 2011 by peter in horror japan list movie
'Tis the season to be ... gory! Truth be told, Japan's real season for scares and spooks falls during the summer months, not Halloween. But don't let that stop you from checking out some of the freakiest, scariest films ever made, here or anywhere else.
Dedicated to genre film and all things post apocalyptic.
"We're fans first, journalists second."
Spotlight: Apocalypse - Stockholms filmfestival, posted 2009 by peter in horror inswedish movie stockholm sweden
Har allt prat om klimatförändringar, urfiskade vatten och svininfluensa börjat ta rot. Har rädslan för undergången börjat sprida sig i Stockholmsnatten. I årets spotlightsektion kan du kolla in sju filmer som förbereder dig på undergången. Läs mer och kolla trailers här!
Children of the Corn (1984), posted 2009 by peter in horror movie
A young couple wander into a mid-western town where all the adults are apparently dead and the children participate in a cult that worships a malevolent force in the corn fields. Based on a Stephen King novella.
THE HORRORS OF IT ALL, posted 2009 by peter in comic firefox:rss horror literature
Killer Kittens From Beyond The Grave, posted 2009 by peter in art comic fiction firefox:rss horror
"These are the confessions of a psycho cat." Likes include: horror, kitties, and deep-discount department stores. Dislikes include: false prophets, ignorance, and dog poop.
Event Horizon (1997), posted 2009 by peter in horror movie scifi toread
A rescue crew investigates a spaceship that disappeared into a black hole and has now returned...with someone or something new on-board.
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