Krislådan – Var förberedd om krisen kommer | Röda Korset, posted 2023 by peter in diy drink energy food inswedish list security
Är du förberedd om krisen kommer? Så här packar du en krislåda med grejer för att klara dig i upp till en vecka - till exempel om du drabbas av ett långvarigt strömavbrott.
Toyotabackad start up gör vodka av koldioxid, posted 2022 by peter in drink entrepreneurship environment inswedish
”Vi arbetar med partners som fångar in koldioxiden innan den släpps ut i atmosfären. Vi använder det sedan i vår process för att framställa alkohol”, säger Gregory Constantine, vd och medgrundare för Air Company, till CNBC.
So You Think You Want to Open a Brewery... | Serious Eats, posted 2019 by peter in business drink entrepreneurship toread
The joke is that brewing is 90% cleaning and 10% paperwork. Except that it's not a joke at all. It's just how brewery life is.
Auel Handmade Coffee, posted 2014 by peter in coffee drink stockholm sweden todo
What does the first cup of coffee of the day mean to you? For us, It's more than a cup. It's an experience and a 2000 year old handcraft. From our ethiopian ancestors we've learned to drink the very best coffee. The coffee beans are roasted over an open flame before the coffee is served in traditional ethiopian clay pots.
The first cup of coffee of the day is named "Auel".
Scientists agree: Coffee naps are better than coffee or naps alone - Vox, posted 2014 by peter in cognition drink health msm science
If you're feeling sleepy and want to wake yourself up — and have 20 minutes or so to spare before you need to be fully alert — there's something you should try. It's more effective than drinking a cup of coffee or taking a quick nap.
It's drinking a cup of coffee and then taking a quick nap. This is called a coffee nap.
It might sound crazy: conventional wisdom is that caffeine interferes with sleep. But if you caffeinate immediately before napping and sleep for 20 minutes or less, you can exploit a quirk in the way both sleep and caffeine affect your brain to maximize alertness. Here's the science behind the idea.
Espresso 101: How to Adjust Dose and Grind Setting by Taste - Tips and Techniques •, posted 2013 by peter in drink howto reference toread
There are two sections. The first section teaches you how to initially set your grind range and coffee doses. In the US, the prevalence of latte drinking has resulted in many cafes using grind settings that are much too coarse, and doses that are much too high, for straight espresso. The result is that they taste much too bitter and sour. The second section teaches you how to analyze the taste of the shot in a way that allows you to adjust the taste balance to your liking. This is the way the best baristas fine tune their shots. Knowing which taste details go with which shot preparation details is the fastest way to improve your skills.
Bar Ginza Panorama (Shibuya branch) - Shibuya - Bars - Time Out Tokyo, posted 2013 by peter in drink japan todo tokyo
Who needs a bar with a view when you’ve got a bar with a diorama? At Ginza Panorama, you can sip cocktails while gazing at an N scale model train wending its way around a miniature Shibuya, complete with 109 department store.
Qvänum Mat & Malt is a brewery and destillery, located in the barn of Gategården, just outside Kvänum. The farm is situated in the old village of Badene, which dates back to the 600 century. Gategården was operated by the family Hermansson and there where both cows, award-winning horses as well as hens and pigs. The village’s dairy was to be found on the farm.
OpenCola, posted 2013 by peter in drink howto opensource
As it turns out, mixing up a batch of cola's pretty easy. Finding the ingredients is damned hard. Most of this file is about finding and handling ingredients so as to produce a tasty bevvy without blowing up your kitchen, melting your flesh off your bones, or poisoning yourself. As with all undertakings of great moment, read and understand the instructions before attempting to commit cola on your own. Pay special attention to the "Warnings" section.