Convert OpenXML (.docx, etc.) in Linux using command line, posted 2008 by peter in conversion download linux software text xml
The usage is simple. To convert a .docx file (Word 2007) to a .odt (OpenDocument Format) file, just run: OdfConvert /i example.docx
khtml2png, posted 2008 by peter in conversion development graphics kde software webdesign
khtml2png is a command line program to create screenshots of webpages. It uses libkhtml (the library that is used in the KDE webbrowser Konqueror).
html2pdf renders a PDF on the fly based on the URL of a (x)html-page you respectively your website or application sends us.
iPaper, posted 2008 by peter in conversion design flash graphics typography webdesign
iPaper is a document format built for the Internet. Like a YouTube video, iPaper documents are Flash widgets which you embed in your existing web pages.
Convert RSS feeds to MP3 speech.
Cepstral Text to Speech, posted 2007 by peter in audio conversion linux mac nlp text voice
At Cepstral®, Text-to-Speech is our only focus. We make realistic synthetic voices that can say anything, anywhere, with personality and style. From the smallest device to large installations and high-end interactive media, Cepstral voices can bring fresh content to your ears, on demand.
VozMe Text to Speech, posted 2007 by peter in conversion text voice
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