Tesseract, posted 2022 by peter in animation math visualization
A cube is one of the simplest solids one can imagine. Over the course of this article I'll try to explain how to expand it to the next dimension to obtain a tesseract -- a 4D equivalent of a cube.
spin.js, posted 2011 by peter in animation css design free html javascript opensource
* No images, no external CSS
* No dependencies
* Highly configurable
* Resolution independent
* Works in all major browsers, including IE6
* Smaller than an animated GIF (3K minified, 1.7K gzipped)
* MIT License
How it works
Spin.js uses the CSS3 to render the UI, falling back to VML Internet Explorer. If supported by the browser, @keyframe rules are used to animate the spinner.
Multimedia - DW-WORLD.DE,,4418618_type_video_struct_1432_contentId_4440098,00.html?&format=FlashHigh, posted 2009 by peter in 3d animation history streaming video
Explore the former inner German border with DW's animated video
Pat & Mat were born in 1976, almost 20 years ago, created by Lubomir Benes and Vladimir Jiranek. Their first film they appeared was called "The Tinkers (Kutaci)". But it took three years until they had their comeback in "The Tapestry (Tapety)". Slovak TV produced 28 episodes from 1979 until 1985.
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