
The KDEPIMPI is a cross-platform Personal Information Manager based on Qt. It has a calendar (kopi), contact/address book (kapi), mobile phone interface (kammu), and time tracker (ktpi), password manager (pwmpi), SIP phone (kppi), and mail client (ompi).

SWF Tools is a collection of SWF manipulation and creation utilities written by Rainer Böhme and Matthias Kramm. It is released under the GPL.

Unlike those disk encryption attacks we saw that required a reboot, Boileu's attack works while the target computer is running, tricking Windows into allowing full write access to RAM and then corrupting the password protection code.

andLinux is a complete Ubuntu Linux system running seamlessly in Windows 2000 based systems (2000, XP, 2003, Vista [32-bit only]).

Parallels Workstation empowers users of any skill level - including computer professionals, sales executives and home users - to easily run multiple operating systems on a single computer. Completely networked. Stable. Secure.

IEs4Linux is the simpler way to have Microsoft Internet Explorer running on Linux (or any OS running Wine).

No clicks needed. No boring setup processes. No Wine complications. Just one easy script and you'll get three IE versions to test your Sites. And

Ordinarily, running a CJK application in Wine results in lots of garbled text. On a good day, you will get empty boxes. On a bad day, it looks like the ASCII table exploded. No more. I put together a little shell script called WineLocale (after Microsoft'



maniadrive.raydium.org/, posted 2008 by peter in 3d free game linux mac windows

ManiaDrive is a free clone of Trackmania, the great game from Nadéo studio, and is an arcade car game on acrobatic tracks, with a quick and nervous gameplay (tracks almost never exceed one minute), and features a network mode, as the original.

FlightGear is an open-source flight simulator.

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