
Facy is a terminal client for facebook, which support streaming-like feature. Only supports Ruby 1.9 and later. To install facy, we need ruby pre-installed, please refer to https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/installation/ to know how to install ruby. I recommend rvm to control the version of installed ruby.

Every major language has thousands of libraries which enable programmers to reach higher, further and faster than before. Package managers (the online systems for sharing code) are key to a language's success; Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Node.js all have strong offerings. But which one is the best and what can we learn from each of them? This article is the first in a two-part series where I review each package manager. Part one focuses on searching and using packages and part two will look at how easy it is to upload and share packages.

Yesterday a Ruby on Rails SQL injection vulnerability was announced which affects all versions. This immediately received widespread attention on Hacker News. Unfortunately the announcement doesn’t clearly explain how the vulnerability exactly works, which caused a lot of confusion and unnecessary panic, especially among people who are less familiar with Ruby or Rails.

Here are the facts, along with a clear explanation for non-Rails people.

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