Får ikke lenger overvåke norske fildelere - kultur -, posted 2009 by peter in copyright msm p2p privacy toread
Siden 2006 har advokatfirmaet Simonsen hatt midlertidig konsesjon fra Datatilsynet for å overvåke fildeling på internett, og å samle IP-adressen til folk som bedriver denne aktiviteten.
Men nå er det stopp på denne overvåkningen.
Bozeman City job requirement raises privacy concerns - Montana's News Station - Fair. Accurate. To the Point. -, posted 2009 by peter in fascism msm privacy usa
"Please list any and all, current personal or business websites, web pages or memberships on any Internet-based chat rooms, social clubs or forums, to include, but not limited to: Facebook, Google, Yahoo,, MySpace, etc.," the City form states. There are then three lines where applicants can list the Web sites, their user names and log-in information and their passwords. [...] "So, we have positions ranging from fire and police, which require people of high integrity for those positions, all the way down to the lifeguards and the folks that work in city hall here. So we do those types of investigations to make sure the people that we hire have the highest moral character and are a good fit for the City," Sullivan said.
Researchers Build Anonymous, Browser-Based 'Darknet' - DarkReading, posted 2009 by peter in p2p privacy security toread
Darknets, themselves, are nothing new; networks like Tor, FreeNet, and Gnutella are well-established. The HP researchers say Veiled is the same idea, only much simpler: It doesn't require any software to participate, just an HTML 5-based browser. "We've implemented a simple, new darknet in the browser," Wood says. "There are no supporting [software] programs."
BBC NEWS | Technology | China's computers at hacking risk, posted 2009 by peter in fascism msm privacy security
Every PC in China could be at risk of being taken over by malicious hackers because of flaws in compulsory government software.
TOSBack | The Terms-Of-Service Tracker, posted 2009 by peter in privacy security
Terms-Of-Service and other website policies form the foundation of your relationship with social networking sites, online businesses, and other Internet communities. But most people become aware of these terms only when there's a problem. TOSBack was created to help you monitor the policies for the websites you use everyday, and show how they change over time.
The Current State of Web Privacy, Data Collection, and Information Sharing
Security Fix - The Scrap Value of a Hacked PC, posted 2009 by peter in msm privacy security spam windows
Computer users often dismiss Internet security best practices because they find them inconvenient, or because they think the rules don't apply to them. Many cling to the misguided belief that because they don't bank or shop online, that bad guys won't target them. The next time you hear this claim, please refer the misguided person to this blog post, which attempts to examine some of the more common -- yet often overlooked -- ways that cyber crooks can put your PC to criminal use.
Fake web traffic can hide secret chat - tech - 26 May 2009 - New Scientist, posted 2009 by peter in communication messaging privacy science security
Their system, dubbed retransmission steganography (RSTEG), relies on sender and receiver using software that deliberately asks for retransmission even when email data packets are received successfully. "The receiver intentionally signals that a loss has occurred. The sender then retransmits the packet but with some secret data inserted in it," he says in a preliminary research paper ( So the message is hidden among the teeming network traffic.
Software Improves P2P Privacy By Hiding In The Crowd, posted 2009 by peter in communication p2p privacy science
The team of researchers [...] studied connection patterns in the BitTorrent file-sharing network — one of the largest and most popular P2P systems today. They found that over the course of weeks, groups of users formed communities where each member consistently connected with other community members more than with users outside the community. [...] Given the impact of this threat, the researchers developed a technique that prevents accurate classification by intelligently hiding user-intended downloading behavior in a cloud of random downloading.
Office of the Privacy Commisioner - Deep Packet Inspection, posted 2009 by peter in communication privacy reference security toread
DPI technology raises privacy concerns because it can involve the inspection of information sent from one end user to another.
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