School is a prison — and damaging our kids -, posted 2013 by peter in cognition education opinion parenting politics
School is a place where children are compelled to be, and where their freedom is greatly restricted — far more restricted than most adults would tolerate in their workplaces. In recent decades, we have been compelling our children to spend ever more time in this kind of setting, and there is strong evidence (summarized in my recent book) that this is causing serious psychological damage to many of them. Moreover, the more scientists have learned about how children naturally learn, the more we have come to realize that children learn most deeply and fully, and with greatest enthusiasm, in conditions that are almost opposite to those of school.
The Theoretical Minimum, posted 2013 by peter in education free online physics video
The Theoretical Minimum is a series of Stanford Continuing Studies courses taught by world renowned physicist Leonard Susskind. These courses collectively teach everything required to gain a basic understanding of each area of modern physics including all of the fundamental mathematics. The sequence begins with the modern formulations of classical mechanics discovered by Lagrange and Hamilton in the late 18th and 19th centuries, and then moves on to the radical new theories of relativity and quantum mechanics discovered by Albert Einstein and others in the early 20th century. The sequence concludes with a study of modern cosmology including the physics of black holes.
Learn Japanese online. With our podcast, learning Japanese is easy. |, posted 2013 by peter in education japan language podcast
Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101! No more dry, out of date textbook story lines! Here at JapanesePod101, you'll learn Japanese with fun, interesting and culturally relevant lessons that are easy to listen to. But not only are they fun - they're effective too! Join the hundreds of thousands of people already learning Japanese through the power of our mobile apps, desktop software and website with free Japanese lessons released every week!
liv | Dear brilliant students: Please consider not doing a PhD., posted 2013 by peter in education opinion science writing
Look, I am in fact a career academic. I know exactly what's attractive about it, I've made considerable financial and personal sacrifices to get myself to a position where I can work in a university environment and spend my time doing groundbreaking research. And yet. The gateway into this life is a PhD, and the PhD system is deeply, deeply fucked up when it isn't actively abusive. Doing a PhD will break you. It's pretty much designed to break you.
If you have every admirable personal quality you can think of, if you have every advantage in life, still, getting through a PhD will grind you down, will come terrifyingly close to killing your soul and might well succeed. It will do horrible things to your mental and physical health and test to breaking point every significant relationship in your life.
VÃ¥ra studenter kan inte svenska - Debatt -, posted 2013 by peter in education history language opinion science sweden
Vi förutsätter inte att våra studenter ska komma från gymnasiet med perfekta språkkunskaper. Den individuella språkutvecklingen är en process, och alla gör fel ibland. Vi är heller inga bakåtsträvare – som historiker är vi självklart fullt medvetna om att språk förändras. Vad vi önskar är att våra studenter kommer till oss med en svenska som fungerar.
Vi vädjar till landets beslutsfattare att tilldela svenskundervisningen de resurser som behövs. Dagens skolungdomar måste få ett fungerande språk. Vi som undervisar på universitetsnivå har inga möjligheter att täcka upp för de brister som uppstått redan i grund- och gymnasieskolan. Som läget är nu har vi stora svårigheter att ens åstadkomma en acceptabel kunskapsnivå i vårt eget ämne hos våra studenter – alltför många av dem förstår helt enkelt inte vad vi säger.
â€MÃ¥nga blir inte klokare av en högskoleutbildning†- DN.SE, posted 2012 by peter in education inswedish opinion politics sweden toread
Brist på kritiskt tänkande. Högskolan har blivit en gigantisk sysselsättningsarena för ungdomar, ofta med tveksamma kurser i alltför lätta ämnen. Samtidigt vill många högskolor få universitetsstatus. Kanske borde de göras om till gymnasieskolor i stället, skriver professor Mats Alvesson.
News in Slow French | French Podcast, posted 2012 by peter in education language news podcast
Learn online with us and improve your French quickly! Choose the subscription that best fits your level of French language and your interest!
Let's Japanese, posted 2012 by peter in education japan language online
Let's Japanese - The site that lets you learn Japanese when you want, where you want and how you want!
Add your own vocabulary, or choose from one of our pre-set vocabulary packs! Check out the help page for more information on getting started! Registration is easy, and best of all, it's free!
My dad taught me cashflow with a soda machine – The Startup Toolkit Blog, posted 2011 by peter in business education inspiration parenting startup
After a brief, failed experiment paying me to do chores, my dad tried something really neat. It clearly took a bit of legwork, but maybe there are some transferrable lessons for parents who want to lay an entrepreneurial foundation.
He gave me a vending machine.
He rented the machine, found a location in a local workshop, and installed it. And then he told me two things.
1. That this would be the last time I was given allowance.
2. And that if I wanted to have any pocketmoney next week, I’d better spend this week’s on some inventory.
Japanese Lessons, free text/audio downloads | NHK WORLD, posted 2011 by peter in audio education free japan language podcast
"Japanese Lessons" - Learning Japanese Online in English - 10 min. radio broadcast by NHK WORLD every week.
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