Sweden Simulator 2015, posted 2015 by peter in culture game humor simulation sweden
Experience the many joys of Swedish life in this unique Virtual Reality experience. Works best with Google Cardboard, or the Oculus Rift.
Change trays | The Japan Times, posted 2015 by peter in business culture history japan
The cashiers I interviewed all agreed that the trays are convenient because there’s less risk that someone will drop a coin and set off a scramble to retrieve it. The trays also make it possible to spread out the bills and coins so customers can see at a glance that they’ve been given the correct change. And as one shopkeeper explained it, offering change in a tray feels more polite than simply placing money in a customer’s hand. “Japanese prefer not to touch other people’s hands and the tray creates desirable distance,” he commented. “So you could say that using a tray is an expression of reserve as well as an extension of good customer service.”
Japan Bucket List -- 8 things you need to do to really understand Japan, posted 2015 by peter in culture japan todo travel
These experiences will help you understand who the Japanese people are, and why they act the way they do. Get ready to move from tourist to cultural expert after the jump!
I've done about half of these so I guess I'm about half-way between "tourist" and "cultural expert".
Personal names around the world, posted 2014 by peter in culture language reference
People who create web forms, databases, or ontologies are often unaware how different people’s names can be in other countries. They build their forms or databases in a way that assumes too much on the part of foreign users. This article will first introduce you to some of the different styles used for personal names, and then some of the possible implications for handling those on the Web.
Visningar för barn - Utställningar-Stockholms Konserthus, posted 2014 by peter in culture forkids music stockholm sweden todo
Följ med på en guidad musikvisning och upptäck Konserthuset och Kungliga Filharmonikerna. Hur fungerar en symfoniorkester egentligen? Vad finns det för instrument?
Tillsammans med våra kunniga musikguider får du följa med bakom kulisserna, prova instrument och lära dig mer om hur det är att vara musiker i Kungliga Filharmonikerna. Välkommen in bland cellofodral och partitur!
* En musikvisning 6-9-13-23 augusti kl 13.00 & kl 14.00 (ca 40 minuter). * Pris barn 30 kr/vuxna 60 kr.
Stockholms Kulturfestival 13-18 augusti. Fri entré: Program | Maxat för Mini, posted 2013 by peter in culture parenting stockholm todo
Brunkeberg förvandlas till ett jättelikt veckolångt äventyr. Världens bästa barnfestival Maxat för mini fyller Parken, Torget och Scenen med ett fyrverkeri av aktiviteter och upplevelser för alla mellan 0–13 år. I år blir det extra mycket dans med uppvisningar, filmer, workshops och mängder av prova-själv. En maxad festivalvecka för åttonde året i rad med plats för energi och lugna stunder för hela familjen bland galenskaper och grönska.
Breakfasts Around the World - Imgur, posted 2013 by peter in culture food travel
With photos.
At the Stockholm Opera, posted 2012 by peter in culture stockholm sweden
Picnic and Theater in RÃ¥lambshovsparken, posted 2012 by peter in culture stockholm sweden
Save the Internet | Join the fight for Internet Freedom, posted 2012 by peter in culture dinosaurism fascism opinion politics
The Coalition is two million everyday people who have banded together with thousands of nonprofit organizations, businesses and bloggers to protect Internet freedom.
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