
Which are the best supplements to take to enhance your health and wellbeing? We visualised all evidence for all health supplements in one chart. Now regularly updated with revitalising boosts of fresh data.

This page explains use cases and examples of SSH tunnels while visually presenting the traffic flows.

But it turns out that Firecracker is relatively straightforward to use (or at least as straightforward as anything else that's for running VMs), the documentation and examples are pretty clear, you definitely don't need to be a cloud provider to use it, and as advertised, it starts VMs really fast!

So I wanted to write about using Firecracker from a more DIY "I just want to run some VMs" perspective.

I'll start out by talking about what I'm using it for, and then I'll explain a few things I learned about it along the way.



https://musclewiki.com/, posted 2021 by peter in health howto reference

Pick a muscle, get suggestions for exercises that address that particular muscle.

Nim is a powerful statically typed language that allows the programmer expressiveness without compromising run-time performance. As a general purpose programming language, it gives the same sort of power and performance as C++, but in a nicer package and with even more powerful tools!

Greetings fellow Nim adventurers! Below you will find 16 handy Nim tips & tricks I came across while developing a medium-sized GUI program this year, Gridmonger (and related libraries). Some of them are about less known or undocumented Nim features or standard library functions, a few are workarounds for some rough edges of the language, and there’s also a handful of useful techniques I read about in forums or have invented on my own.

The goal of this book is to document commonly-known and lesser-known methods of doing various tasks using only built-in POSIX sh features. Using the snippets from this bible can help remove unneeded dependencies from scripts and in most cases make them faster. I came across these tips and discovered a few while developing KISS Linux and other smaller projects.

Jenkins has several "hidden" features that can be enabled with system properties. This page documents many of them and explain how to configure them on your instance.

What's the number one prerequisite to building a high-quality wardrobe? Exactly: You need to be able to recognize a quality garment when you see one. You need to be able to tell the difference between a durable, well-crafted piece and one that looks pretty on the rack but won't last more than half a season. You need to know a) which properties distinguish high-quality garments from low-quality ones, and b) how to recognize these properties when you're out shopping.

To help you do just that, this post and the next one will give you a broad introduction to assessing the quality of garments. We will start with fabrics in this first part and then cover seams, tailoring, linings and details like buttons, zippers and pockets in part II. I will also include a downloadable one-page cheat sheet that summarizes the most important facts in the second post.

If you're setting up a service where people can register their own usernames to be used as a hostname (username.example.com), email address (username@example.com), or URL path (example.com/username) within your domain, there are some common names you should avoid letting the general public register.


This is a list of all the names I know that should be restricted from registration in automated systems. If you know of others, please let me know and I'll update this page.

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