
Google doesn't force Web sites to be included in its search listings. The people who run any site can remove it from Google's results with a few keystrokes.


It's not like this is some big secret. Google even has a page on its Web site explaining step by step how to do it. Yet neither AP nor News Corp. has taken this simple step to stop the marauding Google pirates from pillaging their cargo. Why? Because they know that their traffic would dry up overnight. They'd rather blame someone else for their failure to compete in a changing marketplace. They happily take all the customers Google sends them for free, and then accuse Google of theft. Classy.

The internet agency Kavkaz Centre provides reporting of events in the Islamic world, the Caucasus, and Russia. One of Kavkaz Centre's chief objectives is to report events in the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria connected to the Russian military aggression against the CRI. Besides we also provide international news agencies with news-letters, background information and assistance in making independent journalistic work in Caucasus.

NewsFollow Follows the Hot News on the Net.

Mr Murdoch said free news on the web provided by the BBC made it "incredibly difficult" for private news organisations to ask people to pay for their news.

A group of European publishers has signed a declaration that aims to see its draconian Automated Content Access Protocol forced on search engines and news aggregators by legislation.

noodls is the first global aggregator of official information in real-time available in the market. We aggregate the voice of the leading organizations in the world the moment new information is available.

Till skillnad från redan existerande bloggar och forum ska Riket.se enligt grundarna ta ett helhetsgrepp om den politiska debatten. Sajten kommer bestå av tre delar. En informationsdel där man bl.a. presenterar information om politiker och den politiska processen, en interaktionsdel med verktyg för direkt dialog och diskussion mellan politiker och medborgare, samt en redaktionsdel med lättillgänglig politisk rapportering. Den stora mängd data som skapas genom informationsutbytet på sidan görs sökbar och ska därför underlätta för besökaren att ta ställning i politiska frågor.

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