
We bring you advanced online image and photo editing tools, just choose your flavor, jump in and start creating!

LastGraph lets you explore your last.fm listening history. Stick your username in the box above (or someone else's, if you feel like snooping), and hit enter.

Degrafa is

* a declarative graphics framework

* open source

* licensed under MIT.

With the test images on these pages, you can easily adjust the settings of your monitor to get the best possible picture quality. Additionally, there are a number of test images that can help you to judge the image quality of a monitor. You can check the images on this webpage or put them on a usb stick and try them in the computer store like I did when I created these test patterns. These test images are much more revealing regarding monitor shortcomings than ordinary photographs.

ASCII art is nothing new, but this takes it one step further by allowing you to embed another data file within the image!

The resulting ASCII art remains printable (i.e. no special unicode symbol) - this means you can print the image out, hang it on your wall, and have it look like an innocent ASCII art when it's hiding a secret document of your choice.

wxPerl is an extension module allowing the creation of GUI (Graphical User Interface) from Perl; it is built as a wrapper for the awesome wxWidgets C++ GUI toolkit.

View real-time data and statistics from any logfile on any server with SSH, in an intuitive and entertaining way.

PDFescape is your free, online PDF reader, editor, form filler, & form designer.

Search millions of photographs from the LIFE photo archive, stretching from the 1750s to today. Most were never published and are now available for the first time through the joint work of LIFE and Google.

Below is list of command-line options recognized by the ImageMagick command-line tools. If you want a description of a particular option, click on the option name in the navigation bar above and you will go right to it.

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